What is EE?
EE stands for Evangelism Explosion. Founded in 1963 by Dr. D. James Kennedy as a non-profit corporation, EE is an international ministry which seeks to train and equip church leaders and ordinary believers for evangelism and discipleship. EE is dynamic and not a canned approach to evangelism. Over the past decades, God has spread this ministry to all the 211 nations of the world.
EE is church-based ministry, purposely designed never to supplant any denominational distinctives or ministries. It seeks to enhance and support all other church work. Todate over 200 denominations are using EE in their churches.
How EE Works
There are three things needed to get going in evangelism—the Holy Spirit, know-how and confidence. God gives the Holy Spirit. EE can provide you with the know-how and confidence!
3-Member Teams
The basic unit of EE discipleship is the three-member team. Each team is led by a person who has completed one semester of EE. He then recruits two members to serve as his trainees for one semester. The trainer serves to not only provide a good example, but also to offer encouragement, prayer and personal assistance.
The training is accomplished in a 13-week semester. The trainee begins by memorizing only a basic gospel outline. Through the 13-weeks, he will learn to methodically add illustrations and Bible verses, until the presentation is personalized and has become a part of him.
On-The-Job Training
Each class climaxes when the teams go out on actual witnessing calls. During the first few weeks, the trainees will observe their trainers share, which we call On-the-Job Training (OJT). Then each subsequent week, the trainees will progressively take a more active role as they share more and more of the Gospel presentation. Eventually, the trainees will be sharing the whole Gospel presentation under the guidance of their trainers.
The trainer is available if the situation becomes too difficult for the trainees to handle. By the end of the semester, trainees will not only have seen the gospel shared, but will have personally presented it as well.
EE teachers church leaders to start small and build a strong ministry. When one trained pastor puts this multiplication process into practice,
after a period of only four semesters, his church would have equipped 81 personal soul-winners. Winning souls will transform the life of any church. Multiplication takes place when the trainees become trainers, and each one equips two new trainees. The process of spiritual multiplication comes right out of 2 Timothy 2:2— “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others”.
Laymen who had been trained grow spiritually at incredible rates. One pastor says, “I would have EE in my church even if we never see a single convert added to our church because of what the training does in the spiritual growth of our people”. Grow they do, and grow their churches do too.
It is EE’s intention that every ministry in the local church be strengthened and enhanced as a result of EE’s implementation. And when EE is properly done, that strengthening becomes apparent!
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