Adult EE
More and more people are becoming equipped to share their faith in Christ through Adult EE. Adult EE outlines how a whole congregation can be motivated and mobilized to perform the task of sharing their faith in Jesus.
Once lay leaders and laypeople are trained, they, in turn, train others beginning the important process of spiritual multiplication. The inexperienced (trainees) go onto the streets in evangelistic outreach with the experienced (trainers) leading the way.
Line upon line, trainees gradually learn how to present the Gospel convincingly. Experience builds confidence. By the end of the training, each trainee is able to share the whole Gospel presentation.
Youth E.E. is a ministry that is setting on fire the hearts of our youth for the Lord. Youth E.E. combines interactive training sessions, bible verse memorization, reading and on-the-job training, where students get their feet wet in practical non-threatening sharing situations.
Youth E.E. is an adaptation of adult E.E. in which the Gospel presentation is given in a less formal, "user friendly" contemporary style. It communicates the Gospel in a manner that young people would find comfortable.
Kids’ EE is a discipleship training ministry for children.
It WINS children to Christ, GROUNDS them in their faith, and EQUIPS them to share the Gospel.
Kids’ EE lays a foundation for spiritual growth in children and enables the young ones to respond with excitement and enthusiasm to Jesus’ command to all His disciples to be His witnesses.
Kids’ EE is a visual, interactive approach that teaches children the clear Gospel message and equips them to share it with others.
The approach is also relational in that the ideal Kids’ EE class has one adult for every 2-3 children.
Kids’ EE provides colorful teaching tools that make learning the Gospel presentation fun and interactive.
Note:The following types of EE Materials have been on the translations into Cambodian language
The EE training has traditionally been oriented toward training very literate people. Giving them training designed for literates works well for them, but doesn’t provide them with an immediate strategy that they can use for illiterates and semi-literates. Even people who are fully literate, but who are oral-preference learners, simply may not be motivated to make on-going use of training that is based on tasks and thought patterns that arise from a literate approach.
To address this situation, EE People Group Services —a ministry of EE International— have been developing “Weavers” over the past two years.
“Weavers” is a suite of STRATEGIES, TRAINING EVENTS, and SUPPORT SERVICES designed to enable adults in “oral communication cultures” to effectively weave Good News conversations into their day-to-day interactions with people.
A DISTINGGUISHING FEATURE of Weavers is that both the training and evangelism are done using a series of narratives from the Bible.
- FACILITATES good understanding of the Gospel by using biblical narratives rather than just a few summary points about the Gospel.
- REPRODUCIBLE by illiterates, semi-literates, and others who prefer oral / aural means of learning.
- Specifically INTENDED FOR CULTURES where oral styles of communication are preferred over literate-based communication.
- The training is VERY INTERACTIVE so that storytellers and their audience learn to “live in the story,” feeling it and interpreting it as was originally intended.
- PROMOTES HUMILITY AND RESPECT in order to build relationships for multiple conversations about God’s Good News, and thus to help entire families turn to Christ.
- Facilitates ADAPTATION AND TRANSLATION to other languages and cultures.
During the Weavers training, participants observe demonstrations, discuss and practice the Bible narratives with conversations, and learn to tell others about their experience with God. Included in the training are on-the-job training visits to put into practice what has been learned.
XEE is an entirely fresh, innovative and exciting new product of Evangelism Explosion equipping ministry.
It is focused on equipping Gen-X & Gen-Y believers to share the Gospel, using an “aunthentic learning” approach to increase the learning capacity of the younger generation.
XEE is not taught in a lecture format, but is highly interactive throughout its training, which comprises of DVD viewing, small group discussions and role-plays.
The Gospel presentation is simple, discussion-oriented and “story-driven” with room for discussion.
It makes witnessing not only unthreatening, but even enjoyable and something to look forward to.
Hope 4 Kids
Hope For Kids Project is a partnership between Kids’ EE and One Hope to change our kids future.
Kids' EE methods and approaches strive to provide children with numerous experiences that involve demonstration, discussions, practice and actual teaching of others. Through the Kids' EE methods of teaching and the use of the Kids' EE materials, children are able to effectively learn and retain the Kids' EE Gospel Presentation.
Based on the successful Kids’ EE discipleship training ministry from EE International, Hope for Kids was developed through a joint effort between EE and OneHope. Its purpose is to:
Clarify the Gospel for kids
Assist them to become witnesses for Jesus Christ
Bring others to a saving faith in Jesus Christ
What sets Hope for Kids apart from most children ministries is that the high quality training and materials are free for your church, free for your children and for the friends they reach! No strings attached. Materials include a Teacher’s Manual, Student Activity Book, and the Pathway to Hope witnessing booklet.
Materials tested, proven!
Hope for Kids appeals to kids’ primary learning styles utilizing songs, games, crafts, skits, and illustrations. Every unit includes some object that provides a concrete illustration of one of the key Gospel concepts that is taught in that unit. Through this approach, kids are able to effectively learn and retain the Hope for Kids Gospel.
From top to bottom, the materials are biblically based. They incorporate tested and proven methods so kids not only learn to share the Gospel, but also are given a foundation for spiritual growth for life!
Kids CAN Share!
We believe the Great Commission is for everyone, not just adults or even youth. Hope for Kids lays a foundation for spiritual growth in children and enables youngsters to respond with excitement and enthusiasm to Jesus’ command to all of us to be His witnesses. It develops a worldview that is framed by the recognition that without faith in Jesus we are all lost in our sins.
It was truly an awesome thing to behold as these kids shared boldly with people who just minutes earlier were total strangers! They were so well- prepared and confident … the Holy Spirit was so clearly working through them and empowering them. The most awesome part was that, of those 15 adults, five of them professed Christ as Savior that day.