Statement of Faith
The Evangelism Equipping Organization of Cambodia (EEOC) Statement of Faith and Principles is a broad evangelical declaration that closely parallels the content of the Gospel presentation in the Evangelism Equipping textbook and the concepts considered vital for the furthering of this ministry. All persons seeking EEOC certification are required to concur with this statement. EEOC seeks in no way to circumvent denominational distinctives. Rather, it is a ministry for evangelicals of varying denominational persuasions and nationalities to be in unity by agreeing to the simple truths and proclamation of the Gospel.
1. The Bible is the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
2. There is one God, eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
3. Our Lord Jesus Christ is God and Man in One Person. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, and vicariously atoned for sin through His shed blood and death. He was bodily resurrected from the dead, He ascended to the right hand of God the Father, and He will personally return in power and glory.
4. Regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for the salvation of lost and sinful man.
5. Eternal life is received by faith—that is, trusting in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
6. The Holy Spirit indwells all true believers and enables them to live a Godly life.
7. Both the saved and the lost will be resurrected from the dead—they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
8. There is a spiritual unity of all true believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
9. The local church is the primary God-established base of operation for evangelistic activity in the world.
10. Every true believer is commissioned of Christ to “preach the Gospel to every creature” and to “make disciples of all nations”.
11. Inexperienced witnesses are best enabled to share the Gospel by participation in discipleship groups that include on-the-job training in actual witnessing situations led by more experienced witnesses.