1. Where can I find more information on EE training/clinic?

    You can call our staff at +855 97 646 5329 or eeacbringslives4him@gmail.com

2. Can I buy your materials without attending the course?

You can buy it, but the course will equip you with how to do it. During the course, we do role play, discussion, perform skits, etc. Our goal is to equip you to share as a way of life, not just mere head knowledge.

3. What are the critical features of EE?

The key features of the Evangelism Explosion include the following:

  • It is a life-changing ministry. Most of the time God will broaden your vision.
  • It is a story-driven presentation. People like stories.
  • It is a clear presentation. The gospel presentation is clear, simple, and concise.

Evangelism Equipping Organization of Cambodia

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Siem Reap City, Ta Vean Village, Cambodia